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There is an awful lot of talk about B.G. in here and it neednt be. Do people like him, do they not like him, is he a friend? I don't approve of his methods and I think he would accomplish more by being Christ like. When I was in the Army, I wasnt well likede by those of higher rank than I. I was told once it was because I had an "abrasive" personality. Actually, I liked to see people squirm and did all I could to make them feel uncomfortable and squirm. I had the greatest weapon to do it with too!
I do have to say, I had no friends then and I was always in trouble for something. But they could not defeat me or touch me to do me any harm and it was because of the weapon I used, TRUTH.

Now Im not saying B.G. is using SOLID TRUTH in here because he isn't, but he believes he is. He wields his sword of truth in a relentless mannor, not to gain friends or bring people to the truth or to help them see the error of their ways, but I believe it is his way to make him feel in control of his life and to give him power.
I have learned over the years that altho tecnecally, I was right, I WAS SPIRITUALLY WRONG and drove people away.
All through the scriptures of God, ( The Bible and Book of Mormon) we read about FRUIT. The word FRUIT more often than not refers to peoples actions and behaviors towards others. We are told in Proverbs 11:30 that the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life. And in speaking of people, in Luke 6:43 (6:44) we read that a good tree bringeth forth not corrupt fruit.
So you see, we needent bother with weather B.G. is a good person or a bad person because in Luke 6:44 and 3 Nephi 14:16,20 we read that we can know them by their fruit!
So is their fruit that of Love, Tollerance, Peace, Kindness, Understanding, OR is their fruit that of , Haterid, Attacking others you dissagree with, Meaness, Unkindness, lack of understanding, Intolerance?
Folks, >BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM< And once you discover who they realy are and not who they are trying to get you to believe they are, You can ignore them and everything they say in here.
Remember the old saying," How you act is ringing so loud in my ears that I cant hear you trying to tell me who you are.


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Jeez Dwight.

You should know by now that "truth" is a relative term.

BeeG is just trying to accumulate a big enough flock to distract the god he just recently started believing in from noticing that he spent the better part of his life bein' a grade-A chooch.

He's old, scared and he want's to get into heaven before the doors close.
That's why, I think he preaches his "Once saved-always saved schtick.
He really REALLY wants to believe it!
'Cuz that way all that insignificant screwing around for the other 3/4 of his life is all taken care of and the ol' Sin-O-Meter is all reset to zero again.

I understand that yer intentions are good, though. I just don't think BeeG will get the message yer trying to convey.
He's just THAT dang pompous.

Oh, yeah... There's another old saying:

"I don't care how many times ya call that chicken Bessie-She ain't gonna give ya no milk."

Originally posted by vergerbear:
Hope Windy is wearing the magic panties!!

I am certain that WINDSONG, as a loyal, fully-brainwashed Mormon, wears his so-called "temple garments" in accordance with the absurd dictates of his cult. Here are links to some discussion of the history and use of these silly underwear suits.

<<<<Creation and Wearing of Secret Garments
These too, were a result of Smith's polygamous affairs. It started with the secret circle of men that accepted and practiced his plural wife doctrine. It was his way of setting them apart from monogamous men. It was originally the "uniform" required for men to perform spiritual wifery. Reference from Emma Hale Smith Biography, page 140: "After being involved in the construction and design of the garments, the building of the temple, and hearing about their place in the endowment in the Relief Society (by Smith), why had women not been admitted to the Endowment? Joseph taught that a man must obey God to be worthy of the endowment and that a wife must obey a righteous husband to merit the same reward. Until Emma could be obedient to Joseph (see D&C Sec. 132) and give him plural wives, she could not participate in the endowment ceremonies, yet Smith taught her that the endowment was essential for exaltation.>>>>

See also:
Last edited by beternU
Originally posted by beternU:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by vergerbear:
Hope Windy is wearing the magic panties!!

I am certain that WINDSONG, as a loyal, fully-brainwashed Mormon, wears his so-called "temple garments" in accordance with the absurd dictates of his cult. Here are links to some discussion of the history and use of these silly underwear suits.

<<<<Creation and Wearing of Secret Garments
These too, were a result of Smith's polygamous affairs. It started with the secret circle of men that accepted and practiced his plural wife doctrine. It was his way of setting them apart from monogamous men. It was originally the "uniform" required for men to perform spiritual wifery. Reference from Emma Hale Smith Biography, page 140: "After being involved in the construction and design of the garments, the building of the temple, and hearing about their place in the endowment in the Relief Society (by Smith), why had women not been admitted to the Endowment? Joseph taught that a man must obey God to be worthy of the endowment and that a wife must obey a righteous husband to merit the same reward. Until Emma could be obedient to Joseph (see D&C Sec. 132) and give him plural wives, she could not participate in the endowment ceremonies, yet Smith taught her that the endowment was essential for exaltation.>>>>

See also:[/QUOTE

Dear Mr. Betrnun,

in your usual fashion you have to try to trash
someone who is speaking kindly about someone who
is in your camp. You try to bait Dwight into speaking on something held sacred by members of
Christ's Church. You my freind post links to anti-LDS web sights that are as you and others are committed to the bringing down of Christ's Church. These web sights are made up of bitter
ex-communicated Mormans(usually adulterers), and
an assortment of other clowns. These folks are he!! bent on bringing down the same church that
Christ esatablished during his time on earth re-stored again in modern times. They need to move on and lose their hatred and free themselves. I
know in your area their are even Church sponsered classes on how to argue with Mormons.
Thats okay give it your best. I know that a true beleiver can't be swayed by your arguments.
As for being brainwashed, I don't think so. I was raised by parents that were not active at all. I was dropped of at Church until I was 15.
At 15 I started to party and didn't really care much about anything. I worked hard and partied hard. Finally at the age of 35 I experianced Miricals that again brought the Holy Ghost back into my life. I am now active in my Church and wonder how I lived such a previous life and lived. Instead of pulling a Bill why don't you bring up the good things of your own Church? I know the answer. You are afraid of the rising numbers of people in your Church defecting to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
So keep on trying, and I will continue to tell the real truth.

Keep Marching,
Originally posted by skippy delepepper:
Originally posted by beternU:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by vergerbear:
Hope Windy is wearing the magic panties!!

I am certain that WINDSONG, as a loyal, fully-brainwashed Mormon, wears his so-called "temple garments" in accordance with the absurd dictates of his cult. Here are links to some discussion of the history and use of these silly underwear suits.

<<<<Creation and Wearing of Secret Garments
These too, were a result of Smith's polygamous affairs. It started with the secret circle of men that accepted and practiced his plural wife doctrine. It was his way of setting them apart from monogamous men. It was originally the "uniform" required for men to perform spiritual wifery. Reference from Emma Hale Smith Biography, page 140: "After being involved in the construction and design of the garments, the building of the temple, and hearing about their place in the endowment in the Relief Society (by Smith), why had women not been admitted to the Endowment? Joseph taught that a man must obey God to be worthy of the endowment and that a wife must obey a righteous husband to merit the same reward. Until Emma could be obedient to Joseph (see D&C Sec. 132) and give him plural wives, she could not participate in the endowment ceremonies, yet Smith taught her that the endowment was essential for exaltation.>>>>

See also:[/QUOTE

Dear Mr. Betrnun,

in your usual fashion you have to try to trash
someone who is speaking kindly about someone who
is in your camp. You try to bait Dwight into speaking on something held sacred by members of
Christ's Church. You my freind post links to anti-LDS web sights that are as you and others are committed to the bringing down of Christ's Church. These web sights are made up of bitter
ex-communicated Mormans(usually adulterers), and
an assortment of other clowns. These folks are he!! bent on bringing down the same church that
Christ esatablished during his time on earth re-stored again in modern times. They need to move on and lose their hatred and free themselves. I
know in your area their are even Church sponsered classes on how to argue with Mormons.
Thats okay give it your best. I know that a true beleiver can't be swayed by your arguments.
As for being brainwashed, I don't think so. I was raised by parents that were not active at all. I was dropped of at Church until I was 15.
At 15 I started to party and didn't really care much about anything. I worked hard and partied hard. Finally at the age of 35 I experianced Miricals that again brought the Holy Ghost back into my life. I am now active in my Church and wonder how I lived such a previous life and lived. Instead of pulling a Bill why don't you bring up the good things of your own Church? I know the answer. You are afraid of the rising numbers of people in your Church defecting to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
So keep on trying, and I will continue to tell the real truth.

Keep Marching,

I will keep on doing what I have been doing, Skippy. I will continue to post correct, well-documented information on the Mormon cult, using official Mormon sources and quotations from Mormon "prophets" and "apostles."

You will doubtless continue to do what you have been doing. Laboring generally under the assumption that something is correct because YOU say it is, you will continue to ignore the obvious irrationalities, inconsistencies, contradictions and heresies of the Mormon cult and, instead of actually attempting to refute the solid information that I have posted, you will take the cheap, anti-intellectual, and cowardly way out, as you vainly attempt to de-legitimize the very authentic and indisputable information I post concerning your absurd cultic belief system.

I also confidently predict that the un-responses
you post will continue to be loaded with various ignorant and illiterate abuses of the English language. You abuse of the Mother Tongue is about as extreme as your cult's abuses of the truth about spiritual matters.
Last edited by beternU
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by skippy delepepper:
Originally posted by beternU:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by vergerbear:
Hope Windy is wearing the magic panties!!

I am certain that WINDSONG, as a loyal, fully-brainwashed Mormon, wears his so-called "temple garments" in accordance with the absurd dictates of his cult. Here are links to some discussion of the history and use of these silly underwear suits.

<<<<Creation and Wearing of Secret Garments
These too, were a result of Smith's polygamous affairs. It started with the secret circle of men that accepted and practiced his plural wife doctrine. It was his way of setting them apart from monogamous men. It was originally the "uniform" required for men to perform spiritual wifery. Reference from Emma Hale Smith Biography, page 140: "After being involved in the construction and design of the garments, the building of the temple, and hearing about their place in the endowment in the Relief Society (by Smith), why had women not been admitted to the Endowment? Joseph taught that a man must obey God to be worthy of the endowment and that a wife must obey a righteous husband to merit the same reward. Until Emma could be obedient to Joseph (see D&C Sec. 132) and give him plural wives, she could not participate in the endowment ceremonies, yet Smith taught her that the endowment was essential for exaltation.>>>>

See also:[/QUOTE

Dear Mr. Betrnun,

in your usual fashion you have to try to trash
someone who is speaking kindly about someone who
is in your camp. You try to bait Dwight into speaking on something held sacred by members of
Christ's Church. You my freind post links to anti-LDS web sights that are as you and others are committed to the bringing down of Christ's Church. These web sights are made up of bitter
ex-communicated Mormans(usually adulterers), and
an assortment of other clowns. These folks are he!! bent on bringing down the same church that
Christ esatablished during his time on earth re-stored again in modern times. They need to move on and lose their hatred and free themselves. I
know in your area their are even Church sponsered classes on how to argue with Mormons.
Thats okay give it your best. I know that a true beleiver can't be swayed by your arguments.
As for being brainwashed, I don't think so. I was raised by parents that were not active at all. I was dropped of at Church until I was 15.
At 15 I started to party and didn't really care much about anything. I worked hard and partied hard. Finally at the age of 35 I experianced Miricals that again brought the Holy Ghost back into my life. I am now active in my Church and wonder how I lived such a previous life and lived. Instead of pulling a Bill why don't you bring up the good things of your own Church? I know the answer. You are afraid of the rising numbers of people in your Church defecting to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
So keep on trying, and I will continue to tell the real truth.

Keep Marching,

I will keep on doing what I have been doing, Skippy. I will continue to post correct, well-documented information on the Mormon cult, using official Mormons sources and quotations from Mormon "prophets" and "apostles."

You will dopubtless continue to do what you have been doing. Laboring generally under the assumption that something is correct because YOU say it is, you will continue to ignore the obvious irrationalities, inconsistencies, contradictions and heresies of the Mormon cult and, instead of actually attempting to refute the solid information that I have posted, you will take the cheap, anti-intellectual, and cowardly way out, as you vainly attempt to de-legitimize the very authentic and indisputable information I post concerning your absurd cultic belief system.

I also confidently predict that the un-responses
you post will continue to be loaded with various ignorant and illiterate abuses of the English language. You abuse of the Mother Tongue is about as extreme as your cult's abuses of the truth about spiritual matters.


Until you experiance the Holy Ghost for your self, I will welcome your misguided and vain efforts.

Betrnun, you and Bill I'm sure will continue your un-Christ like falsehoods until your last breath.
You twist and mingle the un-truths mixed with truths so those seeking truth and knoledge might be
blinded. Sorry Chumley, those truly seeking wisdom will be blessed with the Holy Spirit to testify
to them what they are hearing is true or un-true. As I said before those web sites you post are of
hateful people. You are a hateful person. You tell not of your own faith and beleifs. You will never,
unless you repent, feel and know the Holy Ghost. You will never know the joy of a personal relationship
with our Savior. You have no truths to tell so you attack things and people who you no nothing of.
With nothing to fill your soul you are filled with a un-Holy Spirit and do the works of Satan.
You need to not be so bitter. I'm sorry you are loseing members of your faith. But you need to pray
for your soul and hopefully you will someday fill the blessings of truth. I would love to discuss
your faith. So a challange to have a good discussion stands before you. A challange of truth. So go on
with your un-Christ-Like attacks or bring forth your beleifs. Do you even have any?

Keep Marching for the Truth,

P.S. Come on what's your faith Betrnun? Don't be imbarrased.
Sorry again that my grammer offends you. At least you can read it. Frowner
Skippy, Dont get too upset over Bet. He has a few problems. One is that he is highly educated in the things of the world and trys to apply the same to things that are spiritual. Bet attacks me in here but at the town council meetings he wouldnt even confront me. He thinks I dont know who he is. You have to for give him and take him with a pound of salt. I suggest you dont waist time dealing with him at all, as you have said, he is bent on destroying others faith. He doesnt even do as his bible says and go out and prostilise for his own religion. Dont worry about all his ANTI posts and information, we are the fastest growing church in the world we now have 13.5 million members and growing. We also have over 50 thousand missionaries all over the world and more coming each day. You know the church is truely the Church od JESUS CHRIST restored to its originality by Jesus Christ Himself and the only one on the earth with an unbroken chain of Power and Authority from Jesus Christ. The power of the priesthood of God!. Work with those that are truely seeking truth and the Holy Ghost will witness the truth you teach in here to them. Remember FEW are they that find it! Your brother in Christ, Dwight.


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Originally posted by Road Puppy:
Jeez Dwight.

You should know by now that "truth" is a relative term.

BeeG is just trying to accumulate a big enough flock to distract the god he just recently started believing in from noticing that he spent the better part of his life bein' a grade-A chooch.
He's old, scared and he want's to get into heaven before the doors close.
That's why, I think he preaches his "Once saved-always saved schtick.
He really REALLY wants to believe it!
'Cuz that way all that insignificant screwing around for the other 3/4 of his life is all taken care of and the ol' Sin-O-Meter is all reset to zero again.
I understand that yer intentions are good, though. I just don't think BeeG will get the message yer trying to convey.
He's just THAT dang pompous.
Oh, yeah... There's another old saying:

"I don't care how many times ya call that chicken Bessie-She ain't gonna give ya no milk."


Around here "truth" and Beeg is a lie.

Soon, Beeg is going to have the surprise of his death.

Beeg doesn't like or believe anyone but himself.

Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by skippy delepepper:
Originally posted by beternU:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by vergerbear:
Hope Windy is wearing the magic panties!!

I am certain that WINDSONG, as a loyal, fully-brainwashed Mormon, wears his so-called "temple garments" in accordance with the absurd dictates of his cult. Here are links to some discussion of the history and use of these silly underwear suits.

<<<<Creation and Wearing of Secret Garments
These too, were a result of Smith's polygamous affairs. It started with the secret circle of men that accepted and practiced his plural wife doctrine. It was his way of setting them apart from monogamous men. It was originally the "uniform" required for men to perform spiritual wifery. Reference from Emma Hale Smith Biography, page 140: "After being involved in the construction and design of the garments, the building of the temple, and hearing about their place in the endowment in the Relief Society (by Smith), why had women not been admitted to the Endowment? Joseph taught that a man must obey God to be worthy of the endowment and that a wife must obey a righteous husband to merit the same reward. Until Emma could be obedient to Joseph (see D&C Sec. 132) and give him plural wives, she could not participate in the endowment ceremonies, yet Smith taught her that the endowment was essential for exaltation.>>>>

See also:[/QUOTE

Dear Mr. Betrnun,

in your usual fashion you have to try to trash
someone who is speaking kindly about someone who
is in your camp. You try to bait Dwight into speaking on something held sacred by members of
Christ's Church. You my freind post links to anti-LDS web sights that are as you and others are committed to the bringing down of Christ's Church. These web sights are made up of bitter
ex-communicated Mormans(usually adulterers), and
an assortment of other clowns. These folks are he!! bent on bringing down the same church that
Christ esatablished during his time on earth re-stored again in modern times. They need to move on and lose their hatred and free themselves. I
know in your area their are even Church sponsered classes on how to argue with Mormons.
Thats okay give it your best. I know that a true beleiver can't be swayed by your arguments.
As for being brainwashed, I don't think so. I was raised by parents that were not active at all. I was dropped of at Church until I was 15.
At 15 I started to party and didn't really care much about anything. I worked hard and partied hard. Finally at the age of 35 I experianced Miricals that again brought the Holy Ghost back into my life. I am now active in my Church and wonder how I lived such a previous life and lived. Instead of pulling a Bill why don't you bring up the good things of your own Church? I know the answer. You are afraid of the rising numbers of people in your Church defecting to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
So keep on trying, and I will continue to tell the real truth.

Keep Marching,

I will keep on doing what I have been doing, Skippy. I will continue to post correct, well-documented information on the Mormon cult, using official Mormons sources and quotations from Mormon "prophets" and "apostles."

You will dopubtless continue to do what you have been doing. Laboring generally under the assumption that something is correct because YOU say it is, you will continue to ignore the obvious irrationalities, inconsistencies, contradictions and heresies of the Mormon cult and, instead of actually attempting to refute the solid information that I have posted, you will take the cheap, anti-intellectual, and cowardly way out, as you vainly attempt to de-legitimize the very authentic and indisputable information I post concerning your absurd cultic belief system.

I also confidently predict that the un-responses
you post will continue to be loaded with various ignorant and illiterate abuses of the English language. You abuse of the Mother Tongue is about as extreme as your cult's abuses of the truth about spiritual matters.

i will continue to puke up my opinion and claim it to be fact in my position as The Great Bill Grays Primary Glute-Smoocher in all matters mormon related.

i'm so terrified of mormons that i must take every possible opportunity to pounce on them in the same fashion that homophobes attack the homosexual lifestyles. i am a mormophobe.

however, i must use as many polysyllabic words as possible, and make sure i berate everyone's spelling and typing habits, because that will show everyone how big my E-peen is.

yeah baby... look at the size of that thing.. i used polysyllabic correctly... my god, i'm the digital john holmes. everyone wants to either be me or have sex with. Rawr.
nagle, WINDSONG, Skippy---

The character assassination, ad hominem insults and smoke screens you throw up on here do absolutely nothing to meet or refute the TRUTH that I have posted on Mormonism, which is, by the way a religion and thus eligible for discussion here, pro or con.

Skippy, you in particular, haste to allege that the information I post is no good because you say it comes from some sources other than the Holy Spirit or the Mormon propaganda establishment. You diligently refuse to consider ANYTHING published about your cult unless it comes from ---your cult!

The more you rail at me without attempting to counter information I have posted, the more you come off as a LOSER without a trace of polemical competence.

nagel, hou are nothing but a blithering sideshow in all of this, since you absolutely decline to examine any real issue and concentrate instead on attempting to irritate me. I am not irritated in the least. I am amused, however, by how totally inept you are in dealing with substance and how frenetic you have become in lodging trivial accusations against me that do nothing to address the topics being discussed. If you were a bird dog, you would spend most of your time pointing frogs and bumblebees.
Originally posted by Bill Gray:
WELL, I SEE THAT DWIGHT HAS RETURNED TO SLIP BACK INTO HIS "SKIPPY" DRESS!( Actually I see Skippy was here all the time I was gone) - I HOPE YOU SOLVED ALL YOUR PERSONAL PROBLEMS WHICH LED YOU TO LEAVE US A FEW DAYS AGO( Not really Bill, My brother in law is still dead, My wife still has fibromialgea, My roof still has holes in it and the ceilings are still dropping. I did mow some lawns to put some gas in the car and some friends from this forum did call and offer food and money, but no, the problems arent solved yet but thank you for your Christian like concern>Wink - I KNEW YOU COULD NOT LEAVE YOUR "SKIPPY" PERSONA TO SPREAD THE MORMON RHETORIC ALONE -- WELCOME BACK, KOTTER!

Not really back Bill, just taking a break from life and came in here to get a laugh, thanks for the one you just gave me by acting like you care!


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  • dino
Bill, you want a chance to do some christian service and shine in here? You want some attention? Get your church members with all that California money to come here and put a new roof on my house and replace my ceilings where they are dropping down and replace the floors that rotted through because of the rain. Also the carpet and padding are gone because of the damage. And guess what Bill, There is no cook stove or refrigerator and the electrical needs re done not to mention the leaking non functioning plumbing and toilets and the dishwasher was stolen with the garbage disposal when the fridge and stove left. Oh yes, lets not forget the mold in the ceilings and walls from the plumbing leaks and rain. Wanna do Christ like service ? Send your church members and their money and labor. Bill I got enough going on in my life right now I dont need your hipocracy thanks!


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  • Amen_Animated
Originally posted by WINDSONG:
Bill, you want a chance to do some christian service and shine in here? You want some attention? Get your church members with all that California money to come here and put a new roof on my house and replace my ceilings where they are dropping down and replace the floors that rotted through because of the rain. Also the carpet and padding are gone because of the damage. And guess what Bill, There is no cook stove or refrigerator and the electrical needs re done not to mention the leaking non functioning plumbing and toilets and the dishwasher was stolen with the garbage disposal when the fridge and stove left. Oh yes, lets not forget the mold in the ceilings and walls from the plumbing leaks and rain. Wanna do Christ like service ? Send your church members and their money and labor. Bill I got enough going on in my life right now I dont need your hipocracy thanks!

Folks, the above was posted 2 hours ago. Usually whenever I post a comment and Bill is in the forum he usually posts a snotty remark and cutsi cartoon within seconds after I post mine. It has been 2 hours and Bill has been in here the full time making comments on other threads but not this one. HMMMMM. Now I know Bill being Bill , he HAS read what I put here but no comment. Folks, you can talk the religious talk but unless you also WALK THE RELIGIOUS WALK, what you say really dont mean squat! Indeed, By their fruits ye shall know them! Peace out! Dwight


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  • cockwalk
i wish i was an apple
hangin from a tree
everytime she'd pass
well then she'd take a bite of me.

she told me that she love me
called me sugar plum
when she put her arms around me
well i thought my time had come

git a long home cindy, cindy
git a long home cindy, cindy
git a long home cindy, cindy
i'll marry you someday

*ricky nelson singing a traditional folk song in Rio Bravo.
Originally posted by WINDSONG:
Bill, you want a chance to do some christian service and shine in here? You want some attention? Get your church members with all that California money to come here and put a new roof on my house and replace my ceilings where they are dropping down and replace the floors that rotted through because of the rain. Also the carpet and padding are gone because of the damage. And guess what Bill, There is no cook stove or refrigerator and the electrical needs re done not to mention the leaking non functioning plumbing and toilets and the dishwasher was stolen with the garbage disposal when the fridge and stove left. Oh yes, lets not forget the mold in the ceilings and walls from the plumbing leaks and rain. Wanna do Christ like service ? Send your church members and their money and labor. Bill I got enough going on in my life right now I dont (SIC) need your hipocracy (SIC) thanks!

Hi Dwight,

You belong to a VERY RICH church. And, NONE of your Mormon friends will pitch in and help you? Could it be because you embarrass the Mormon church with your posts on the Religion Forum -- and they choose to distance themselves from you and your posts?

You tell me, "Bill I got enough going on in my life right now I dont (SIC) need your hipocracy (SIC) thanks!"

Dwight, just because you tell us that you are having personal problems -- is that supposed to give you immunity to come on the Religion Forum -- write your cult Mormon rhetoric -- and no one is to refute it?

Yes, we should always be sensitive to the personal problems of others. But, when you jump into the swimming pool -- you must expect to get wet.

So, no, I am not showing hypocrisy when I refute your cult writings. I am only doing what I come on the Religion Forum to do -- refute false teachings and cult religions. And, God willing, I will be here for a long time doing this -- refuting your cult Mormon posts and all false teachings.

My Friend, I do not make your Mormon religion look bad. You do! When you post off the wall teachings such as God is a flesh and bones god who was once a man like you and me -- and that, you, Dwight, will one day be a god and have your own planet like earth -- THAT makes the Mormon religions look foolish.

And, your refusal to answer any questions; then creating a Skippy persona in an attempt to make folks think there are two of you -- makes the Mormon religion look foolish.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



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  • Tennis-Player-BALL-DWIGHT
Originally posted by semiannualchick:
Originally posted by Bill Gray:

OMG! Bill made a one word post!!! Eeker

That's how ya can tell when he's truly run outta talent. Wink

This thread is hilarious! Between Windy and BeeG having a "my god can kick your god's ass" contest-and they're actually freakin' SERIOUS! and BeternU correcting everybody's grammar-I can't stop laughing!
Originally posted by Bill Gray:
Originally posted by WINDSONG:
Bill, you want a chance to do some christian service and shine in here? You want some attention? Get your church members with all that California money to come here and put a new roof on my house and replace my ceilings where they are dropping down and replace the floors that rotted through because of the rain. Also the carpet and padding are gone because of the damage. And guess what Bill, There is no cook stove or refrigerator and the electrical needs re done not to mention the leaking non functioning plumbing and toilets and the dishwasher was stolen with the garbage disposal when the fridge and stove left. Oh yes, lets not forget the mold in the ceilings and walls from the plumbing leaks and rain. Wanna do Christ like service ? Send your church members and their money and labor. Bill I got enough going on in my life right now I dont (SIC) need your hipocracy (SIC) thanks!

Hi Dwight,

You belong to a VERY RICH church. And, NONE of your Mormon friends will pitch in and help you?( Their right beside me Bill) Could it be because you embarrass the Mormon church with your posts on the Religion Forum ( No embarassment here Bill)-- and they choose to distance themselves from you and your posts?

You tell me, "Bill I got enough going on in my life right now I dont (SIC) need your hipocracy (SIC) thanks!"

Dwight, just because you tell us that you are having personal problems -- is that supposed to give you immunity to come on the Religion Forum -- write your cult Mormon rhetoric -- and no one is to refute it?( you mean imunity from your un Christ like behavior?)

Yes, we should always be sensitive to the personal problems of others. But, when you jump into the swimming pool -- you must expect to get wet.

So, no, I am not showing hypocrisy when I refute your cult writings.( No, but when you preach religion and dont practice what you preach, there in is your hypocracy Bill.) You want to tallk the talk but when it comes time to show forth the works, you are not there.) I am only doing what I come on the Religion Forum to do -- refute false teachings and cult religions. And, God willing, I will be here for a long time doing this -- refuting your cult Mormon posts and all false teachings.

My Friend, I do not make your Mormon religion look bad.( Never said you do, but, you do make yourself and your christianity look VERY bad!) You do! When you post off the wall teachings such as God is a flesh and bones god who was once a man like you and me -- and that, you, Dwight, will one day be a god and have your own planet like earth -- THAT makes the Mormon religions look foolish.( no Bill, only to those that have a poor understanding of truth do these things look foolish.)

And, your refusal to answer any questions; then creating a Skippy persona in an attempt to make folks think there are two of you -- makes the Mormon religion look foolish. ( as I have said time and time again, Im no more Skippy than you are BETERNU )

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


William, you are a stuck record and I will waste no more time with your sillyness. Its beenfun but now its just obnoxious. I will continue teaching the truth in here but not waste any time repeting things over and over to one that wont hear or see.


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This thread is hilarious! Between Windy and BeeG having a "my god can kick your god's ass" contest-and they're actually freakin' SERIOUS! and BeternU correcting everybody's grammar-I can't stop laughing!

Now now, just good old fashioned christianity at work. Why do I keep thinking dueling pistols at ten paces and I hope windsong is a good shot? I must be a really bad person.
Originally posted by beternU:
nagle, WINDSONG, Skippy---

The character assassination, ad hominem insults and smoke screens you throw up on here do absolutely nothing to meet or refute the TRUTH that I have posted on Mormonism, which is, by the way a religion and thus eligible for discussion here, pro or con.

Skippy, you in particular, haste to allege that the information I post is no good because you say it comes from some sources other than the Holy Spirit or the Mormon propaganda establishment. You diligently refuse to consider ANYTHING published about your cult unless it comes from ---your cult!

The more you rail at me without attempting to counter information I have posted, the more you come off as a LOSER without a trace of polemical competence.

nagel, hou are nothing but a blithering sideshow in all of this, since you absolutely decline to examine any real issue and concentrate instead on attempting to irritate me. I am not irritated in the least. I am amused, however, by how totally inept you are in dealing with substance and how frenetic you have become in lodging trivial accusations against me that do nothing to address the topics being discussed. If you were a bird dog, you would spend most of your time pointing frogs and bumblebees.


You my freind havn't answered my question.

So I'll ask agaian, what is your religion? Please don't be shy. At least your
buddy Bill finally had a dialog with me. I know you really beleive you are better
than everyone else. That you are an intellectual giant. That you are to smart to
answer questions from someone as lowly as I. So please, better than everybody.So
humor a poor soul as mine and answer my questions. Do you beleive in the Bible?
Does the bible speak to you like it does to Bill? Do you even have a Church or are
you a Church unto yourself? Do you play with snakes or speak in toungs? Post all
the crap you want. You impress no-one. Jesus told of himself. He told of his Father.
He tought us how to pray. He tought us everything of His Father's Kingdom. You
my freind tell us nothing of Jesus. You just try to tear-down the things of Christ.
You offer nothing. No Beleifs, no religion, no Christ-Like behavior. I want you to
know I'm trying to get smarter. I know I will never be as smart as you, so please
go easy on my grammer. I've got a blister on my finger! Big Grin

Keep Marching to the Truth,
Skippy Cool
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Bill Gray:
Bill your cold. Eeker

Keep Marching,
Skippy or am I Dwight Confused
Originally posted by skippy delepepper:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Bill Gray:
Bill your cold. Eeker

Keep Marching,
Skippy or am I Dwight Confused

( If you are Dwight then I have a real idenity problem!)


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Originally posted by WINDSONG:
Bill, you want a chance to do some christian service and shine in here? You want some attention? Get your church members with all that California money to come here and put a new roof on my house and replace my ceilings where they are dropping down and replace the floors that rotted through because of the rain. Also the carpet and padding are gone because of the damage. And guess what Bill, There is no cook stove or refrigerator and the electrical needs re done not to mention the leaking non functioning plumbing and toilets and the dishwasher was stolen with the garbage disposal when the fridge and stove left. Oh yes, lets not forget the mold in the ceilings and walls from the plumbing leaks and rain. Wanna do Christ like service ? Send your church members and their money and labor. Bill I got enough going on in my life right now I dont need your hipocracy thanks!

This is a truly puzzling thing, WINDSONG. Your Mormonesque blog states that you were a "[m]aintenance man over two apartment communities."

From that, one would logically assume that you would have some knowledge of the structural integrity of buildings and the functioning of building systems. But now you come on here lamenting that somehow you have come into possession of a house with a badly leaking roof, rotting floors, woefully-outdated electrical system, leaky and non-functional plumbing, and mold contamination in the walls and ceilings! I have to wonder just what kind of a building maintenance man you ever were!

I am sorry that you find yourself in this plight, WINDSONG. I would not wish those circumstances on anyone. Perhaps you should not have relied on your own earthly wisdom, but instead prayed to the Holy Ghost to reveal to you what kind of property you were getting into before you committed to acquire that dilapidated shack and move into it.
Last edited by beternU
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by WINDSONG:
Bill, you want a chance to do some christian service and shine in here? You want some attention? Get your church members with all that California money to come here and put a new roof on my house and replace my ceilings where they are dropping down and replace the floors that rotted through because of the rain. Also the carpet and padding are gone because of the damage. And guess what Bill, There is no cook stove or refrigerator and the electrical needs re done not to mention the leaking non functioning plumbing and toilets and the dishwasher was stolen with the garbage disposal when the fridge and stove left. Oh yes, lets not forget the mold in the ceilings and walls from the plumbing leaks and rain. Wanna do Christ like service ? Send your church members and their money and labor. Bill I got enough going on in my life right now I dont need your hipocracy thanks!

This is a truly puzzling thing, WINDSONG. Your Mormonesque blog states that you were a "[m]aintenance man over two apartment communities."

From that, one would logically assume that you would have some knowledge of the structural integrity of buildings and the functioning of building systems. But now you come on here lamenting that somehow you have come into possession of a house with a badly leaking roof, rotting floors, woefully-outdated electrical system, leaky and non-functional plumbing, and mold contamination in the walls and ceilings! I have to wonder just what kind of a building maintenance man you ever were!

I am sorry that you find yourself in this plight, WINDSONG. I would not wish those circumstances on anyone. Perhaps you should not have relied on your own earthly wisdom, but instead prayed to the Holy Ghost to reveal to you what kind of property you were getting into before you committed to acquire that dilapidated shack and move into it.

The place is a blessing from God. We found it on the internet and it last sold for $94,900. We prayed and asked what we should offed Hud for it and was told a price. We bid $17,900 and got 2 acres and a 4 bedroom home . We never looked at it because we didnt have the gsa to drive 12 hours one way and back. The land here sells for $30,000 1/4 acre. We didnt expect much from the house that was built in 1991. We have a FEMA trailer we live in , in the back yard and are doing fine as you will see in my thread, " a heartfelt thanks". My reason for relating those things to Bill was to test his (Christ like?) reactions towards a person truely in need. It proved as I thought it would, he tries to talk the religious talk but does not walk the religious walk. I will never join his church because of his behavior. Even if it was the right one, his examples in here have proven to me that he along with all the members of his religious beliefs do not follow Jesus Christs example. You my man are another example that I would never want to emulate.


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Last edited by WINDSONG
[quote]Perhaps you should not have relied on your own earthly wisdom, but instead prayed to the Holy Ghost to reveal to you what kind of property you were getting into before you committed to acquire that dilapidated shack and move into it.[quote]

A little mean spirited?....yeah. Funny?...hell yeah.

Originally posted by WINDSONG:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by WINDSONG:
Bill, you want a chance to do some christian service and shine in here? You want some attention? Get your church members with all that California money to come here and put a new roof on my house and replace my ceilings where they are dropping down and replace the floors that rotted through because of the rain. Also the carpet and padding are gone because of the damage. And guess what Bill, There is no cook stove or refrigerator and the electrical needs re done not to mention the leaking non functioning plumbing and toilets and the dishwasher was stolen with the garbage disposal when the fridge and stove left. Oh yes, lets not forget the mold in the ceilings and walls from the plumbing leaks and rain. Wanna do Christ like service ? Send your church members and their money and labor. Bill I got enough going on in my life right now I dont need your hipocracy thanks!

This is a truly puzzling thing, WINDSONG. Your Mormonesque blog states that you were a "[m]aintenance man over two apartment communities."

From that, one would logically assume that you would have some knowledge of the structural integrity of buildings and the functioning of building systems. But now you come on here lamenting that somehow you have come into possession of a house with a badly leaking roof, rotting floors, woefully-outdated electrical system, leaky and non-functional plumbing, and mold contamination in the walls and ceilings! I have to wonder just what kind of a building maintenance man you ever were!

I am sorry that you find yourself in this plight, WINDSONG. I would not wish those circumstances on anyone. Perhaps you should not have relied on your own earthly wisdom, but instead prayed to the Holy Ghost to reveal to you what kind of property you were getting into before you committed to acquire that dilapidated shack and move into it.

The place is a blessing from God. We found it on the internet and it last sold for $94,900. We prayed and asked what we should offed Hud for it and was told a price. We bid $17,900 and got 2 acres and a 4 bedroom home . We never looked at it because we didnt have the gsa to drive 12 hours one way and back. The land here sells for $30,000 1/4 acre. We didnt expect much from the house that was built in 1991. We have a FEMA trailer we live in , in the back yard and are doing fine as you will see in my thread, " a heartfelt thanks". My reason for relating those things to Bill was to test his (Christ like?) reactions towards a person truely in need. It proved as I thought it would, he tries to talk the religious talk but does not walk the religious walk. I will never join his church because of his behavior. Even if it was the right one, his examples in here have proven to me that he along with all the members of his religious beliefs do not follow Jesus Christs example. You my man are another example that I would never want to emulate.

Let's see now, WINDSONG. What you are saying now is that you nailed down a big bargain when you bought your property in Georgia. and that when you posted your earlier jeremiads, you simply were making up a pack of lies about your alleged desperate condition only as some kind of a ruse to test the Christian charity of Bill and perhaps others with whom you have had some disagreement on this forum relative to your cultic beliefs.

When Bill--upon your unexpected early return from your alleged emergency hiatus from the forum and your sad plea for help--offered his sympathy, you posted this:

"Not really Bill, My brother in law is still dead, My wife still has fibromialgea, My roof still has holes in it and the ceilings are still dropping. I did mow some lawns to put some gas in the car and some friends from this forum did call and offer food and money, but no, the problems arent solved yet but thank you for your Christian like concern."

But now you come back and chide Bill because he allegedly "does not walk the religious walk." You are a chameleonic character, WINDSONG, a walking, talking CONTRADICTION.

Although I do not for a minute believe that you were actually fabricating your hard luck story as a test of Bill's sincerity, I must conclude that even if you were doing that, it would amount to a big fat LIE--hardly the kind of thing someone claiming to be from the "Christianism Restored" cult ought to do!

No, WINDSONG, what is all too evident here is that your claim to order your life and choices by ringing up the Holy Spirit for guidance in all your beliefs and decisions is simply a fantasy on your part. You found out that the happy homestead you had foolishly bought sight unseen was a dreary, decomposing, mold-infested, nunfunctional slum and, realizing that your folly was now on display for all to see, you backtracked and ginned up your little transparent story about laying a trap for Bill.

That dog won't hunt, WINDSONG!
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by WINDSONG:
Originally posted by beternU:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by WINDSONG:
Bill, you want a chance to do some christian service and shine in here? You want some attention? Get your church members with all that California money to come here and put a new roof on my house and replace my ceilings where they are dropping down and replace the floors that rotted through because of the rain. Also the carpet and padding are gone because of the damage. And guess what Bill, There is no cook stove or refrigerator and the electrical needs re done not to mention the leaking non functioning plumbing and toilets and the dishwasher was stolen with the garbage disposal when the fridge and stove left. Oh yes, lets not forget the mold in the ceilings and walls from the plumbing leaks and rain. Wanna do Christ like service ? Send your church members and their money and labor. Bill I got enough going on in my life right now I dont need your hipocracy thanks!

This is a truly puzzling thing, WINDSONG. Your Mormonesque blog states that you were a "[m]aintenance man over two apartment communities." Thank you for reading it

From that, one would logically assume that you would have some knowledge of the structural integrity of buildings and the functioning of building systems. But now you come on here lamenting that somehow you have come into possession of a house with a badly leaking roof, rotting floors, woefully-outdated electrical system, leaky and non-functional plumbing, and mold contamination in the walls and ceilings! I have to wonder just what kind of a building maintenance man you ever were!

I am sorry that you find yourself in this plight, WINDSONG. I would not wish those circumstances on anyone. Perhaps you should not have relied on your own earthly wisdom, but instead prayed to the Holy GhostI think you need a better understanding of religious things, NO ONE PRAYS TO THE HOLY GHOST! to reveal to you what kind of property you were getting into before you committed to acquire that dilapidated shack and move into it.
Havent moved into it yet, maybe after repairs.

The place is a blessing from God. We found it on the internet and it last sold for $94,900. We prayed and asked what we should offed Hud for it and was told a price. We bid $17,900 and got 2 acres and a 4 bedroom home . We never looked at it because we didnt have the gsa to drive 12 hours one way and back. The land here sells for $30,000 1/3 acre. We didnt expect much from the house that was built in 1991. We have a FEMA trailer we live in , in the back yard and are doing fine as you will see in my thread, " a heartfelt thanks". My reason for relating those things to Bill was to test his (Christ like?) reactions towards a person truely in need. It proved as I thought it would, he tries to talk the religious talk but does not walk the religious walk. I will never join his church because of his behavior. Even if it was the right one, his examples in here have proven to me that he along with all the members of his religious beliefs do not follow Jesus Christs example. You my man are another example that I would never want to emulate.

Let's see now, WINDSONG. What you are saying now is that you nailed down a big bargain when you bought your property in Georgia. and that when you posted your earlier jeremiads, you simply were making up a pack of lies about your alleged desperate condition No, No lies, brother in law is dead, I havent worked in 5 months, wife has recently been diagnosed with fybermyalgea, and the house is a mess. No lies there Bet. only as some kind of a ruseNope, no ruse either. to test the Christian charity of Bill and perhaps others with whom you have had some disagreement on this forum relative to your cultic beliefs.

When Bill--upon your unexpected early return from your alleged emergency hiatus from the forum and your sad plea for help--offered his sympathy, you posted this:

"Not really Bill, My brother in law is still dead, My wife still has fibromialgea, My roof still has holes in it and the ceilings are still dropping. I did mow some lawns to put some gas in the car and some friends from this forum did call and offer food and money, but no, the problems arent solved yet but thank you for your Christian like concern."

But now you come back and chide Bill because he allegedly "does not walk the religious walk." You are a chameleonic character, WINDSONG, a walking, talking CONTRADICTION.

Although I do not for a minute believe that you were actually fabricating your hard luck story as a test of Bill's sincerity, I must conclude that even if you were doing that, it would amount to a big fat LIE Hearsay, no lies here Bet.--hardly the kind of thing someone claiming to be from the "Christianism Restored" cult ought to do!

No, WINDSONG, what is all too evident here is that your claim to order your life and choices by ringing up the Holy Spirit for guidance in all your beliefs and decisions is simply a fantasy on your part.Wrong again, I pray to Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ and He answers through the power of the HOLY GHOST< You found out that the happy homestead you had foolishly bought sight unseen was a dreary, decomposing, mold-infested, nunfunctional slum and, realizing that your folly You really dont understand do you? I was blessed with this house from Heavenly Father as an answer to one of our prayers and He gave us a great deal. He will also ,(THROUGH OTHERS) get it in livible shape. We have already been blessed with a double oven for the kitchen and a dishwasher. I have also been given a cooking stove. Another person has offered shingles. Ya see Bet, its all about FAITH in Heavenly Father and GRATTIUDE. We will live in the house in the future and heavenly FATHER< ( through other people ) WILL repair it for us! was now on display for all to see, you backtracked and ginned up your little transparent story about laying a trap for Bill.

That dog won't hunt, WINDSONG![/QUOTEHows your town meetings Mr. miserable?
Last edited by WINDSONG
Originally posted by WINDSONG:
Bet, I made comments to you in the post just above Roadpuppys post.
Dude, ya gotta have FAITH !!!!!!

The facts speak for themselves, WINDSONG. First you say you are in some kind of desperate straits and need help from Bill and that since he has offered no specific help to YOU , he is a hypocrite. You say that without having any knowledge of the extent to which Bill may be providing charitable help to others. Then you come back and say that you are just fine and made a shrewd real estate deal brokered by the Holy Spirit, that you were "blessed by this house" that you yourself have described as a decaying, mold-infested nightmare with no functional plumbing and an obsolete electrical system. I hope never to be "blessed" with such a dilapidated hovel as you have described.

WINDSONG, it is not your prerogative to tell anyone where or how they are to perform their works of charity and it is egregiously presumptuous of you to contend that unless Bill or anyone else is willing to contribute specifically to the restoration of your crumbling dwelling place to livable condition, he is, perforce, a hypocrite.

I can assure you that there are many, many people in far greater need than you. Your singular focus on your own personal needs as somehow rising to a mandate to Bill or anyone else to assist you on penalty of becoming a hypocrite is absurd in the extreme.

BTW, if you still own that motorcycle, I suggest you trade it for some roof shingles, lumber and plumbing supplies.
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by WINDSONG:
Bet, I made comments to you in the post just above Roadpuppys post.
Dude, ya gotta have FAITH !!!!!!

The facts speak for themselves, WINDSONG. First you say you are in some kind of desperate straits and need help from Bill and that since he has offered no specific help to YOU , he is a hypocrite. You say that without having any knowledge of the extent to which Bill may be providing charitable help to others. Then you come back and say that you are just fine and made a shrewd real estate deal brokered by the Holy Spirit, that you were "blessed by this house" that you yourself have described as a decaying, mold-infested nightmare with no functional plumbing and an obsolete electrical system. I hope never to be "blessed" with such a dilapidated hovel as you have described.

WINDSONG, it is not your prerogative to tell anyone where or how they are to perform their works of charity and it is egregiously presumptuous of you to contend that unless Bill or anyone else is willing to contribute specifically to the restoration of your crumbling dwelling place to livable condition, he is, perforce, a hypocrite.

I can assure you that there are many, many people in far greater need than you. Your singular focus on your own personal needs as somehow rising to a mandate to Bill or anyone else to assist you on penalty of becoming a hypocrite is absurd in the extreme.

BTW, if you still own that motorcycle, I suggest you trade it for some roof shingles, lumber and plumbing supplies.



Charity is not just the help or physical aid you give to someone. It also
can be the way you treat someone with your words. The genuine concern for
someone other than yourself. So in my opinion you or Bill show no Charity
to anyone on these forums.

Keep Marching,
Last edited by skippy delepepper
I hope never to be "blessed" with such a dilapidated hovel as you have described.

Beternu, I will not get involved in yours and Windsongs "debate", but I am rather enjoying some of you descriptive terms. I do have a serious question for you. Are you, like I am, a fan of Mark Twain? Some of your writing style is reminiscent of his, and I do mean that as a compliment.
Originally posted by skippy delepepper:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by WINDSONG:
Bet, I made comments to you in the post just above Roadpuppys post.
Dude, ya gotta have FAITH !!!!!!

The facts speak for themselves, WINDSONG. First you say you are in some kind of desperate straits and need help from Bill and that since he has offered no specific help to YOU , he is a hypocrite. You say that without having any knowledge of the extent to which Bill may be providing charitable help to others. Then you come back and say that you are just fine and made a shrewd real estate deal brokered by the Holy Spirit, that you were "blessed by this house" that you yourself have described as a decaying, mold-infested nightmare with no functional plumbing and an obsolete electrical system. I hope never to be "blessed" with such a dilapidated hovel as you have described.

WINDSONG, it is not your prerogative to tell anyone where or how they are to perform their works of charity and it is egregiously presumptuous of you to contend that unless Bill or anyone else is willing to contribute specifically to the restoration of your crumbling dwelling place to livable condition, he is, perforce, a hypocrite.

I can assure you that there are many, many people in far greater need than you. Your singular focus on your own personal needs as somehow rising to a mandate to Bill or anyone else to assist you on penalty of becoming a hypocrite is absurd in the extreme.

BTW, if you still own that motorcycle, I suggest you trade it for some roof shingles, lumber and plumbing supplies.



Charity is not just the help or physical aid you give to someone. It also
can be the way you treat someone with your words. The genuine concern for
someone other than yourself. So in my opinion you or Bill show any Charity
to anyone on these forums.

Keep Marching,

I regularly TREAT you and WINDSONG to the TRUTH about your bizarre cultic, heretical and blasphemous belief system. In return, you both post up absurd and irrelevant rationales for defending what I have shown from Mormon sources to be indefensible and irrational.

Read carefully what you posted above, Skippy:

"So in my opinion you or Bill show any Charity
to anyone on these forums."

Can't you ever get your fingers to type what you are trying to say?

I will keep marching at such pace as might be needed to dissuade the gullible and the ignorant from being deluded by the Mormon claptrap you post here.
Originally posted by bluetick:
I hope never to be "blessed" with such a dilapidated hovel as you have described.

Beternu, I will not get involved in yours and Windsongs "debate", but I am rather enjoying some of you descriptive terms. I do have a serious question for you. Are you, like I am, a fan of Mark Twain? Some of your writing style is reminiscent of his, and I do mean that as a compliment.

I have long enjoyed the writings of Mark Twain, but I make no claim to coming anywhere close to his literary skills. He was one of a kind.
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by skippy delepepper:
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by WINDSONG:
Bet, I made comments to you in the post just above Roadpuppys post.
Dude, ya gotta have FAITH !!!!!!

The facts speak for themselves, WINDSONG. First you say you are in some kind of desperate straits and need help from Bill and that since he has offered no specific help to YOU , he is a hypocrite. You say that without having any knowledge of the extent to which Bill may be providing charitable help to others. Then you come back and say that you are just fine and made a shrewd real estate deal brokered by the Holy Spirit, that you were "blessed by this house" that you yourself have described as a decaying, mold-infested nightmare with no functional plumbing and an obsolete electrical system. I hope never to be "blessed" with such a dilapidated hovel as you have described.

WINDSONG, it is not your prerogative to tell anyone where or how they are to perform their works of charity and it is egregiously presumptuous of you to contend that unless Bill or anyone else is willing to contribute specifically to the restoration of your crumbling dwelling place to livable condition, he is, perforce, a hypocrite.

I can assure you that there are many, many people in far greater need than you. Your singular focus on your own personal needs as somehow rising to a mandate to Bill or anyone else to assist you on penalty of becoming a hypocrite is absurd in the extreme.

BTW, if you still own that motorcycle, I suggest you trade it for some roof shingles, lumber and plumbing supplies.



Charity is not just the help or physical aid you give to someone. It also
can be the way you treat someone with your words. The genuine concern for
someone other than yourself. So in my opinion you or Bill show any Charity
to anyone on these forums.

Keep Marching,

I regularly TREAT you and WINDSONG to the TRUTH about your bizarre cultic, heretical and blasphemous belief system. In return, you both post up absurd and irrelevant rationales for defending what I have shown from Mormon sources to be indefensible and irrational.

Read carefully what you posted above, Skippy:

"So in my opinion you or Bill show any Charity
to anyone on these forums."

Can't you ever get your fingers to type what you are trying to say?

I will keep marching at such pace as might be needed to dissuade the gullible and the ignorant from being deluded by the Mormon claptrap you post here.


I told you Beternun, I type with a finger not fingers.
And thanks I ment to type, don't show any charity. And you don't.

Keep Marching in Circles,
Your Pal Skippy Wink
Originally posted by Road Puppy:
Originally posted by beternU:

I will keep marching at such pace as might be needed to dissuade the gullible and the ignorant from being deluded by the Mormon claptrap you post here.

Wait...Are you telling him that his god is crazier than YOUR god?


If you had been reading instead of sniping, you would have learned just how bizarre the Mormon concept of God really is. Let me simplify it for you--according to the Mormon concept of deity, God has hair; skin; digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and reproductive systems and all other anatomical and physiological features that humans are equipped with. If that ain't strange to you, then you ain't got no sense of strange.
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by Road Puppy:
Originally posted by beternU:

I will keep marching at such pace as might be needed to dissuade the gullible and the ignorant from being deluded by the Mormon claptrap you post here.

Wait...Are you telling him that his god is crazier than YOUR god?


If you had been reading instead of sniping, you would have learned just how bizarre the Mormon concept of God really is. Let me simplify it for you--according to the Mormon concept of deity, God has hair; skin; digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and reproductive systems and all other anatomical and physiological features that humans are equipped with. If that ain't strange to you, then you ain't got no sense of strange.


There you go again Beternun getting snappy.

Whether or not you beleive it Beternun, we were all created by our one
and only Heavenly father. He's the the spiritual father of us all. He
has a Son Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was born on this earth thru the
body of the Virgin Mary. She carried him thru pregnancy. She was called
a virgin because she was. Christ had a childhood and grew up to be an
adult. Did he not eat food? Did he not break bread with his Disciples?
Did he not drink wine? Did he not suffer bleed and die on the cross?
Was he not buried in the tomb? Was he not ressurected? The dictionary
diffenition of ressurection states: it is the bringing back to life of
the dead. Did he not show his body to Mary and His Disciples? Did they
not see and feel His wounds? As far as his innerds I don't know how he's
made up. I guess you do. Your argument does't hold water. God created
man in his own Image. In Genisus 1:26 in the King James Version Bible
it says;"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
I don't no what Bible your religion uses but, thats what the Bible says.
How in the world can you get anything else out of the actual words.

Keep Marching Against Bad Interpretations,
Skippy Wink
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by Road Puppy:
Originally posted by beternU:

I will keep marching at such pace as might be needed to dissuade the gullible and the ignorant from being deluded by the Mormon claptrap you post here.

Wait...Are you telling him that his god is crazier than YOUR god?


If you had been reading instead of sniping, you would have learned just how bizarre the Mormon concept of God really is. Let me simplify it for you--according to the Mormon concept of deity, God has hair; skin; digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and reproductive systems and all other anatomical and physiological features that humans are equipped with. If that ain't strange to you, then you ain't got no sense of strange.

No, actually what's bizarre to me is grown men and women who are supposedly educated arguing vehemently about whose sky-fairy is "The One True(tm) Sky-Fairy."

Heh. My sense of strange works just fine, thanks.
If you had been reading instead of sniping, you would have learned just how bizarre the Mormon concept of God really is. Let me simplify it for you--according to the Mormon concept of deity, God has hair; skin; digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and reproductive systems and all other anatomical and physiological features that humans are equipped with. If that ain't strange to you, then you ain't got no sense of strange.

All I've ever heard is that your god, who was supposed to be the only god around, told his posse that he was making mankind in their image. But then again as someone else ask, shouldn't we all be invisible and made out of dirt?

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