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Hi to my Forum Friends,

A Friend forwarded this to me in an e-mail -- and it seems appropriate to share it with my Forum Friends.

From the FRED THOMPSON'S AMERICA web site:

The Mormon Or The Muslim?

Question (from 80120):  Who can we support?  Romney is a Mormon and Obama is a Muslim.  Never has the lessor of two evils been such a disgrace. Ron Paul is a better choice, but if we vote for him, we put Obama back in office.  What has happened to my country?

Answer:  Don’t fall for this Mormon stuff.  That would be falling for the Obama game plan.  Now that the general election is here, it’s going to be respectable in the eyes of the mainstream media to engage in all sorts of demagoguery about Mormons.  None of us will ever get our ideal candidate but this country is headed for a cliff and it has very little to do with organized religion.

We’ve gotta go with Mitt.  Obama selections for the Supreme Court for another four years will have an adverse effect on the proper role of religion in our country and in our schools as well as a host of other issues.

Fred has other interesting Questions & Answers on his web site.  Take a look.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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Very interesting that he says "Don't fall for this Mormon stuff" yet does not address the "Muslim stuff".....I guess in Fred's world if someone admits they are Mormon then we should ignore that, but if they tell you they are Christian you should just assume they are Muslim...right?


Also he goes on to say that organized religion has very little to do with what is wrong in our country and then in the next paragraph states that it is important to put the right man in office to insure Christians are assured their "proper role" in government.


Speaking out of both sides of his mouth. It is almost mind numbing the idiotic things that people will say to further their political agenda....add religion to it and it gets even more absurd.


So Bill you have no problem voting for a man that is a member of a cult (your words)? Are you willing to give Mitt a pass because you hate Obama so bad? I find that very hypocritical of you. Not the first time I have found you to be a big ol hypocrite but this might be the most blatant example I have seen from you so far.


Let's say Obama was a is that any different than him being a Mormon, Scientologist, or Wiccan? Are there some religions that you will accept to being "good" vs. those that you decide are "evil"?


Funny....I see them all the same. Ridiculous.

Hi Dark,


I will admit that, at first, I had the same impression as you -- that Thompson was denigrating the Mormon religion, then, later asking us to vote for Romney.


But, upon reading the full passage, I realized that he was referring to the tendency of "the mainstream media to engage in all sorts of demagoguery about Mormons" in their support of their Liberal Socialist leader, Mr. Obama.


I have to agree with many folks that Obama is as much Muslim as he is Christian.  It is my opinion that he attended Wright's church in Chicago to help his Community Organizer political job at the time.  Such things are common.  I have seen many insurance agents, real estate agents, etc., spend a lot of time cultivating and farming church fellowships -- when they should have been in Christian fellowship and worship.  


That is why I always insisted, and my wife agreed, that she would not talk real estate at church.  If someone asks her a question, she will answer.  But, she will not farm our church for clients.  It is my opinion that this was what Obama did for his Community Organizer job -- and why he threw Wright out with the dishwater when he became an inconvenience.


Dark, let's just say that, at this time Romney is, by far, the lesser of the two evils.  I am not sure America could survive another four years of Obama.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



Originally Posted by Bill Gray:

Hi to my Forum Friends,
A Friend forwarded this to me in an e-mail -- and it seems appropriate to share it with my Forum Friends.

Ron Paul is a better choice, but if we vote for him, we put Obama back in office. 
We’ve gotta go with Mitt.  Obama selections for the Supreme Court for another four years will have an adverse effect on the proper role of religion in our country and in our schools as well as a host of other issues.



Billy, just exactly who are those people on here that you think are your friends? Have you ever noticed that most of the people on this forum despise you? You claim it's because you're a Christian, because you "give it to us like it is so you can get those rewards in Heaven".

That's not it at all. But it won't do any good for me to tell you because you refuse to see or accept the truth.


You ran Skippy off because of your hate & constant talk of his being in a "Mormon cult". Now you say you're going to vote for a man that is in one of those same "Mormon cults"? Shame on you, Billy!! Wonder what God thinks of you now? Since you claim to be such a wonderful, a lot of rewards coming, tell it like it is, know it all Christian, you need to keep your butt at home that day & not vote at all!!


If we vote for Ron Paul, we put Obama back in office? Stand back & watch. You vote for Romney, you’ll put Obama back in office. We’re damed either way because Romney doesn’t have what it takes to beat Obama. There are people that will vote for Obama just because of his black side, (forget about the white side, it doesn’t count) but Romney is to much of a rich, full of himself, stuffed shirt to beat Obama.


What about those people that don't want the "proper role of religion in our country and in our schools"?

Do they not have a voice? They have as much right to who they vote for as you do.

I will vote for Romney because I dislike Obama but I don't resent those people that will vote for Obama because they don't like Romney.

Originally Posted by Bill Gray:

Hi Dark,

That is why I always insisted, and my wife agreed, that she would not talk real estate at church.  If someone asks her a question, she will answer.  But, she will not farm our church for clients.



She agree because you insisted, so what else could she do? My guess is that you are "The Man" in your home & the women know to bow as you walk by or there will be Hell to pay.

Horse crap!

She won't talk real estate at church, but she'll answer if someone asks her a question? Well, as I see it, that's talking real estate in church! Sheeish!!!

The thing is, Romney is at least as liberal as Obama. Right now he is trying to cater to the Tea Party types, but believe me, if he gets elected you will see his true colors. Don't forget, Romney is the one who "invented" Obamacare. Don't forget, he was governor of the state with one of the strictest guns laws in the country and only bought a lifetime membership in the NRA right before he ran in 2008. I seriously doubt the man has ever HELD a gun in his life.


All of this talk about his or Obama's religion is irrelevant. Vote for the liberal - either one!

But, upon reading the full passage, I realized that he was referring to the tendency of "the mainstream media to engage in all sorts of demagoguery about Mormons" 


Like YOU do bill? I remember on another thread you were urging people to vote for ron paul. And IF your wife "agreed" with you not to discuss something, why did you have to INSIST? Pfttttttttttttttttttt

Originally Posted by Bestworking:

And IF your wife "agreed" with you not to discuss something, why did you have to INSIST? Pfttttttttttttttttttt


Good point, to bad we won't get an answer to that question. All we'll get is a smart ass remark that he always reserves for you & I. That's his way of getting away from answering the question.

IMHO when it comes to the whole Mormon or Muslim thing and for lack of a better example, a Muslim is a wolf in wolf's clothing and a Mormon is a wolf in sheep's clothing so at least the Muslim is not trying to make people think they are something they're not.

As far as I know, Obama claims to be a Christian although if he didn't claim to be, I would likely think he was not but I won't try and judge that.

With the above said, because of my conservative views I will be voting for Romney and will be praying that he will not allow the Mormon leadership to dictate his actions as President. It is not so much the Mormon thing for my reservations about Romney but I truly feel that this election is a choice between bad or really awful and I will settle for bad (Romney)


Originally Posted by BFred07:

IMHO when it comes to the whole Mormon or Muslim thing and for lack of a better example, a Muslim is a wolf in wolf's clothing and a Mormon is a wolf in sheep's clothing so at least the Muslim is not trying to make people think they are something they're not.

As far as I know, Obama claims to be a Christian although if he didn't claim to be, I would likely think he was not but I won't try and judge that.

With the above said, because of my conservative views I will be voting for Romney and will be praying that he will not allow the Mormon leadership to dictate his actions as President. It is not so much the Mormon thing for my reservations about Romney but I truly feel that this election is a choice between bad or really awful and I will settle for bad (Romney)


I don't think obama is "anything" either. I can't imagine under what circumstances it would happen, but if everyone was suddenly forced to declare a religion, I do believe he'd "pick" islam. As far as your statement about a wolf in sheep's clothing being a mormon, I don't get that at all. They live and preach their beliefs, and they don't preach them near as much as the whacked out fundies do. They're entitled to do that, they are entitled to run for office. I've always said I'd vote for romney, and if he disappoints, I'll "go further", and try again. I won't sit back like the obama supporters and pretend "it's all good". 

Originally Posted by BFred07:

IMHO when it comes to the whole Mormon or Muslim thing and for lack of a better example, a Muslim is a wolf in wolf's clothing and a Mormon is a wolf in sheep's clothing so at least the Muslim is not trying to make people think they are something they're not.

As far as I know, Obama claims to be a Christian although if he didn't claim to be, I would likely think he was not but I won't try and judge that.

With the above said, because of my conservative views I will be voting for Romney and will be praying that he will not allow the Mormon leadership to dictate his actions as President. It is not so much the Mormon thing for my reservations about Romney but I truly feel that this election is a choice between bad or really awful and I will settle for bad (Romney)



Gee Fred, I like you tooo.
This wool gets so itchy.


Originally Posted by BFred07:

IMHO when it comes to the whole Mormon or Muslim thing and for lack of a better example, a Muslim is a wolf in wolf's clothing and a Mormon is a wolf in sheep's clothing so at least the Muslim is not trying to make people think they are something they're not.


It's people like Bill Gray that's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Skippy is more of a Christian than Bill ever thought of being. It's not a shame for someone to go to the church of their choice & to believe the way they choose. The shame is pretending to be something you're not & livivng a lie.

quote:  Originally Posted by BFred07:

IMHO when it comes to the whole Mormon or Muslim thing, and for lack of a better example, a Muslim is a wolf in wolf's clothing -- and a Mormon is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  So at least the Muslim is not trying to make people think they are something they're not.


As far as I know, Obama claims to be a Christian.  Although if he didn't claim to be, I would likely think he was not.  But I won't try and judge that.


With the above said, because of my conservative views I will be voting for Romney and will be praying that he will not allow the Mormon leadership to dictate his actions as President.  It is not so much the Mormon thing for my reservations about Romney.  But I truly feel that this election is a choice between bad or really awful and I will settle for bad (Romney). 

Hi BFred,


I could not have said it better.  Like you, I do not know if Obama is a Muslim, or a very liberal lukewarm Christian.  But, as I said in an earlier post, it is my personal opinion that he was in Wright's congregation farming for support in his Community Organizer political job.  Then, when Wright became more of a burden than an asset -- under the bus for him.


And, if by any curse Obama does win another four years -- under the bus for all America!  For he will not need any of us after that.   His "accidentally open mic" comment made that very clear.  In a second term, he would be like a fox in the hen house -- watch out, America!


However, regarding Romney, as you said -- it is not so much his Mormon religion which gives me reservations -- but, his wishy-washy, this way, then that way, politics -- and the fact that he did have a prototype for ObamaCare in Massachusetts first.


Romney makes me nervous.   But, Obama scares the hell out of me!


And, we who were around then can recall that folks were upset that John Kennedy was a Roman Catholic -- but, I believe he kept the two separate.  And, I believe that Romney will also.   So, forget his religion.  We are in deep pucky either way in that regard.   Let's just make sure that Obama is not a repeat.    And leave the rest to God.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,




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Hi Jennifer,


Do you have a link for that?  Or, is this more of your fertile imagination?


I know!  Google it if you are interested.  But, since you were already there, if there existed -- it would have been so easy to copy/paste the URL link in your post.  That is, unless the link never existed and, as I said, it is just a wee bit of fertile imagination -- or a lot of the old "throw it against the wall and see it it sticks" kind of dialogue.  Atheists are known for such attempts.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



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