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I am not showing how smart I am! If I were your high school teacher I would be trying to get you out of high school via the exit exam! I cannot believe a college trained teacher would make a gross error such as "have went"! And yes, I suspect you do say it in front of the students in your classes. "Paid" for the past tense of pay is learned by most students in the third grade! Do you have no respect for your profession or yourself? I do not consider myself smart because I have third grade language and spelling skills. This has been edited to provide a question mark and to capitalize a lower case "i". I edit each post!
Last edited by earthmomma
Originally posted by bamagirl34:
Originally posted by elinterventor01:
Originally posted by bamagirl34:
Originally posted by skreechowl:
Why doesnt someone ask why our funding for schools is one of the lowest per student in the nation? Why doesnt someone ask why our property taxes remain the lowest of any state in the nation? Why do we continue to allow Alfa to lobby for low property taxes for farmers while providing them with huge loans at 3% interest rates and continue to pay them to not raise certain crops so as to keep market prices stable....please, if I am wrong, correct my errors.....



"The 10 states with the lowest overall taxes

For 2008 the here is the list of states with taxes as a percentage of income.

Alaska 6.4%
Nevada 6.6%
Wyoming 7.0%
Florida 7.4%
New Hampshire 7.6%
South Dakota 7.9%
Tennessee 8.3%
Texas 8.4%
Louisiana 8.4%
Arizona 8.5%"


I thought you were a teacher. Don't you research before making such statements?


I'm surprised you don't see the lack of logic in your response. The above percentages show the states that take the least percentage of income from its residents in taxes. Your source shows the dollar amount taken. Alabama's percentage is higher than the above, but the take (in dollars) is less. Sadly, because the income levels the percentages are factored against are smaller.
I'm a product of the old liberal (small l) public education system. I'm for what will improve our children's lot. Not, for privatizing the whole works or homeschooling everyone, either. What we're doing right now, isn't working in many places. Those schools must be identified and made to change or alternatives offered.

BTW, years ago, when I planned the movement of tactical nukes across the nation, aren't you glad I didn't receive a modern education.
What you people that are screaming for private schools, Catholic schools, homeschooling, etc fail to realize is this: those entities can pick and chose which students enroll and stay enrolled at their schools. Public education HAS to take all - I daresay all the public schools would have different test score averages, dropout rates and other factors that are considered as to whether a school is failing if you could get rid of the special ed, the lazy ones, and the ones that just don't give a S***. No Child Left Behind has put so many obstacles in the teachers path to educating a child it's not funny. I have a friend that teaches Special Ed. She is trying to teach a student with about a 75 or less IQ how to write a comparative essay. They can't even put together a simple sentence, much less string 3 or more together to make a paragraph. Yet, NCLB says they must do this or the school they attend will be considered as a failure.
What's wrong with this picture?? What she needs to be teaching that student are life skills that they will actually use when they leave the school setting.
I've been a bit hard on bamagirl. Mainly, as an attempt to jolt her into realizing the problem she faces. I feel sorry for her. Those who taught her and, now direct her profession, have betrayed her.

She is sent out to slay a gorgon. However, instead of a burnished shield and a sharp sword; they've outfitted her with a bit of shiny aluminum foil and a butter knife.
Originally posted by bamagirl34:
Originally posted by LE89:
Originally posted by Wondering??:
The continued attacks by politicians and GOVernment are chaffing many of us!!! We have worked many long hours as well as had numerous sleepless nights in an attempt to reach many of our disoriented young people. When did people in Montgomery, the majority of whom has not spent ONE day inside a classroom, become authorities on what is best for our young people in Alabama? IT is all about control and power! If we stick our heads in the sand...I am certain the decisions they will make will not eliminate or even reduce our societal crumbling....for which teachers and support personnel are taking the fall!! GET UP AND SHOUT ABOUT IT!!!!!!

No dis-respect intended, I think 95% of the teachers are great, unfortunately 5% are not. Unless you are caught having sex with a student, you are pretty much safe in keeping your job.

I'll revise the original question, when did Paul Hubbert become an authority on what is best for our young people of Alabama?

Paul Hubbert has controled the puppet strings of the Alabama Legislature for too long. When there is a system in place to reward good teachers and get rid of bad ones, I would be happy. When a boilerplate system protects them all, it is not a good system.

I'm sure I'll be berated for this stance by some, which is your right, but while you are at it, let's hear your solution.

no disrespect for you either but tenure is not in place to protect the bad teachers its there to protect the good ones. Do you realize that if our tenure is taken away that an elected official can just fire you without any reason? Lets say you helped the guy who ran against him..or lets say his neice needs your job. YES it is that political in this area. Its that political in the hiring and its tht political in the firing. To gain tenure you have to be hired back for your 4th year. If a "bad" teacher makes it through that process, then the principal didnt do his job. However, we are under contract. We CAN be fired. We have certain rules and regulations that we have to follow and one is to set a "moral" example. That gets me sometimes because people think we should never make a mistake. We are human too. But this job is not like getting hired at a plant and you get so many warnings or writeups and then you are gone. They can literally walk in and say go home without the tenure laws. These officials already put their power trips on us. They need to realize they are an elected official and they do not own the school or system and should not be allowed to run over employees at will just because they can. Hope this helps.

Yes I am aware that tenure is there to protect teachers, but it DOES protect the bad ones as well. I don't have tenure in my job. I rely on being in the top % of my field and I work hard to try to stay there. My boss could fire me and hire his nephew if he wanted to but I try to make sure he doesn't by being an asset to the company, not by being "protected". In my opinion, the bottom of the barrell in any profession must be constantly recycled to improve your "average" and this is not possible if the bottom of the barrell is protected from such scrutiny.

I do however agree that good teachers should be protected from someone hiring their niece to replace, but until a system is in place that allows getting rid of the bottom of the barrell teachers, I'll just have to have faith in the merit system used in the private sector.

Maybe elect better board members or not allow board members to vote for relatives would be a good start. I realize this does not work if an entire board is corrupt, but neither does a board or group that protects those that are incompetent (bottom of the barrell).

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