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Squad member Cori Bush claimed she performed miracles, cured tumors in autobiography

Forum: Politics
Far-left Squad member Rep. Cori Bush performed multiple miracles as a religious faith healer, according to her autobiography. “As I learned how to apply God’s Word to my life in new ways, I better understood the power that was already residing in me,” Bush wrote of her abilities in “The Forerunner: A Story of Pain and Perseverance in America.” “It was there, waiting for me to acknowledge it, to use it. I had the confidence to heal others with God’s power.” Rep. Cori Bush says that she...Read More...

Disqualified Lia Thomas Asks If He Can Still Just Hang Out Naked In The Olympic Women’s Locker Rooms

STATE COLLEGE, PA — After the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) made a shocking ruling on Thursday that Lia Thomas, a man, would not be allowed to compete on the U.S. women's Olympic team, Thomas requested further clarification on whether he might be allowed to still just hang out naked in the women's locker room on occasion or something like that. "That's fine if I can't compete, but can I, maybe, I dunno, just hang out naked in the women's locker room?" said Thomas to the committee,...Read More...

Biden Issues Executive Order Limiting Border Crossings To Just 5,000 ISIS Terrorists Per Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The White House took decisive action to quell fears about the threat of terrorism after several alleged terrorists were apprehended in the U.S., as President Joe Biden issued an executive order limiting border crossings to just 5,000 ISIS terrorists per day. The administration stated that this move was intended to make it more difficult for ISIS extremists to plan any terrorist attacks within the United States due to only allowing 5,000 terrorists to enter the country...Read More...

Bidenflation means Americans can't afford groceries, childcare or a house. That's why they prefer Trump

Forum: Politics
Americans don’t care about Trump charges; they care about surviving what Biden has done to them Democratic analysts don’t seem to understand why the all-out legal assault on former President Trump isn’t working. It’s because they keep talking among themselves and not with the American people. The American people don’t live and work in the New York-Washington political-media-government bubble. If reporters and analysts listened to Americans, as we do at America's New Majority Project, they...Read More...
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Kamala Harris mourns death of Palestinians in raid that rescued 4 Israeli hostages

Forum: Politics
"As President Biden said last week, it is time for this war to end." This is how we feel about Ukraine and Russia, and if it doesn't end, at least stop funneling money to Ukraine. If they want to fight, let them pay for it. *************************************** V ice President Harris mourned the Palestinians who were killed in a successful Israeli hostage rescue operation this weekend during an address delivered Saturday. The Israeli operation retrieved four hostages who were taken into...Read More...
Last Reply By 1130 · First Unread Post

Ilhan Omar Calls For Day Of Mourning Over Hostages Rescued

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Representative Ilhan Omar has called for a National Day of Mourning in light of the news that four Israeli hostages were rescued this morning. "I am deeply grieved by the tragic rescue of four of our hostages this morning," said Omar, fighting back tears. "They were taken from us far too soon, after only 245 days in captivity. I am hereby calling for a National Day of Mourning over their safe return to Israel." According to sources, Omar broke out into sobs upon learning...Read More...

Few things are more insulting than someone lying to your face. Biden does it almost every time his lips move

Forum: Politics
Top 5 insults Joe Biden has lobbed at the American voter At West Point's commencement exercises on May 25, 2024, President Biden once again told the lie that he had been appointed to the U.S. Naval Academy. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) 1. Hey, stupid, It’s Not the Economy At the top of the list of Joe "The Insult President’s" ridiculous whoppers is his insistence that the economy is great and all of us are just too dumb to notice. BIDEN DISMISSES LOW CONSUMER CONFIDENCE ON THE ECONOMY:...Read More...
Last Reply By giftedamateur · First Unread Post

‘Welp, 250 Years Wasn't A Bad Run,' Says George Washington Looking On From Heaven

HEAVEN — Watching as the last vestige of the nation he helped found crumbled, George Washington sighed and remarked that America still had gone on a pretty solid two-hundred-fifty year run. "Not bad, gentlemen," said Washington to a few other Founding Fathers. "It's sad to see it end, but we had a pretty epic couple of centuries there." As the United States breathed its last, Washington opined on what he and the other Fathers could have done differently. "Maybe we should have added a few...Read More...
Last Reply By giftedamateur · First Unread Post

Banana Republics Starting To Feel Kinda Bad For United States

WORLD — Banana republics from across the globe have begun to feel a bit bad for the United States, and wondering if perhaps they ought to do something to help. "It's sad. I mean we have sham trials here too, but at least we have bananas," said dictator Omar Carrillo. "I just really feel for them, you know?" According to sources, several banana republics have begun to express concern that the corruption in America has gotten out of hand. "When we do show trials to destroy opposition...Read More...
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