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Originally posted by b50m:
This is what belief in a god can do to some people. Warp their minds and cloud their judgment. Sick sick sick!

Jank, PLEASE do not equate Bill with normal people who have a religious belief.

We don't claim him.

I know b50m,

That is why I said SOME. I would not insult you or any of the other good people associated with religious belief, by lumping you guys in with him. He is a sicko.

I have quite a few family members that belong to religious groups. My love and respect for them would not allow me to believe he and they are the same.
Originally posted by b50m:
For the title to be 'hate is immoral', Bill certainly professes such for homosexuals and the Catholic Church.

Hi B,

As usual, you have commented on a post without reading it. If you had read the original post, you would have seen that the title "The Letter: 'Hate Is Immoral'" is based upon the letter written to the TimesDaily titled "Hate Is Immoral." That title is not mine; it is the choice of Jason from Killen.

Really, B, if you want to have effective discussions -- you need to read BEFORE you post.

That is, assuming you really want to have an effective discussion. If all you want to do is to twist the writing of others in an attempt to make it say something other than what was written -- then, true discussion is not possible.

What shall it be -- serious discussion -- or spin and twist?

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



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Originally posted by Bill Gray:
Originally posted by b50m:
For the title to be 'hate is immoral', Bill certainly professes such for homosexuals and the Catholic Church.

Hi B,

As usual, you have commented on a post without reading it. If you had read the original post, you would have seen that the title "The Letter: 'Hate Is Immoral'" is based upon the letter written to the TimesDaily titled "Hate Is Immoral." That title is not mine; it is the choice of Jason from Killen.

Really, B, if you want to have effective discussions -- you need to read BEFORE you post.

That is, assuming you really want to have an effective discussion. If all you want to do is to twist the writing of others in an attempt to make it say something other than what was written -- then, true discussion is not possible.

What shall it be -- serious discussion -- or spin and twist?

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Bill, I read Jason's as well as yours. I posted on his too. You are the one who skips entire columns until you find the one thing to jump on. Spin and twist? That is your specialty.
And for WIW, you don't know what a 'discussion' is.
Originally posted by b50m:
Originally posted by Bill Gray:
Originally posted by b50m:
For the title to be 'hate is immoral', Bill certainly professes such for homosexuals and the Catholic Church.

Hi B,

As usual, you have commented on a post without reading it. If you had read the original post, you would have seen that the title "The Letter: 'Hate Is Immoral'" is based upon the letter written to the TimesDaily titled "Hate Is Immoral." That title is not mine; it is the choice of Jason from Killen.

Really, B, if you want to have effective discussions -- you need to read BEFORE you post.

That is, assuming you really want to have an effective discussion. If all you want to do is to twist the writing of others in an attempt to make it say something other than what was written -- then, true discussion is not possible.

What shall it be -- serious discussion -- or spin and twist?

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Bill, I read Jason's as well as yours. I posted on his too. You are the one who skips entire columns until you find the one thing to jump on. Spin and twist? That is your specialty.
And for WIW, you don't know what a 'discussion' is.



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After reading what all Bill has written, I am very disturbed and afraid for any children, with whom, he may come into contact. I am in the process of contacting the proper authorities as we speak so he can be investigated. He is a danger to himself and others. Hopefully, the authorities will have him in custody by morning so he can get the help he needs. Bill, may God have mercy on you wretched soul.
Originally posted by tcf531:
bill you are ignoring the question (as always), do you think a adult male with a prepubescent female is heterosexual?


Yes, child predators do molest both boys and girls. But, you have to admit that the large percentage of priests who molested children -- molested boys. This, besides being child molestation -- is also homosexual in nature. That is the point I was making.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



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Originally posted by DHS-86:
I am in the process of contacting the proper authorities as we speak so he can be investigated. He is a danger to himself and others.

And just what are you going to tell them so they will investigate? That you know of a man that is a religious fanatic, that's hateful, mean, & spews forth hate?
I'm sure they will get right on it. Smiler

I will agree with you that in a clinical since only. these types of molestations would be considered homosexual pedophiles. The problem I have with you in this discussion is that you brought up child molestation in a discussion about ADULT homosexuality. No one was talking about child predators. The letter was not addressing such things. The rights of normal homosexuals have nothing to do with giving pedophiles any rights what so ever.

To equate one with the other is sick. Priest who molest little boys are no worse or better than men who molest little girls. They are all child predators. Most of these sicko do not have sex with other adults at all. They have no desire to have a normal sexual relationship.

Most homosexual men have NO DESIRE to have sex with children of any gender. They are attracted to other ADULT men. As an adult man do you fear that they can some how convince you to have sex with them? If so then you are not very secure in your sexuality. Matter of fact most gay men do not randomly approach straight men and proposition them for sex. It just doesn't happen that often to even be concerned about. If it does then just so NO THANK YOU.

The original letter was addressing the rights of adults both male and female to love and marry who they chose. It was not about child sexual predators or bestiality. Those were your sick thoughts and words. Why would you even go there? Both child molestation and bestiality have victims. Non consenting victims. Homosexual marriage and love have no victims. It is 2 consenting adults making decisions based on their own feelings of love.

The words you wrote would not leave my mind last night. It is a sick and twisted way of thinking. To not believe that children are raped unless they are physically forced is just beyond rational thought. To think that ALL homosexual men would just as soon have sex with a child as with an adult is also twisted and sick.

Homosexual child predators are just a classification for psychiatrist in clinical studies. They also have heterosexual pedophiles. However they all fall under the heading of pedophile. As I said most do not have a desire to have sex with adults at all. And just so you know. Little girls are molested on a much larger scale than boys. So by your way of thinking ALL MEN are animals, because there are only a few cases of women molesting children.

Homosexuals rights to marry have nothing to do with pedophiles. NOTHING. If a man wants to marry another man that should be his right. If a woman wants to marry another woman that should be her right too. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO HURT A CHILD!
Originally posted by Bill Gray:
Originally posted by tcf531:
bill you are ignoring the question (as always), do you think a adult male with a prepubescent female is heterosexual?


Yes, child predators do molest both boys and girls. But, you have to admit that the large percentage of priests who molested children -- molested boys. This, besides being child molestation -- is also homosexual in nature. That is the point I was making.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Yes, and some pedophiles only target children with blonde hair, or younger than 7, or teens, or little girls, or the list could go on and on. Its not about the gender they prey on its about the fact that they are CHILDREN that makes it wrong.

Your stance was that if we allow homosexuals to have the right to marry then it would be the same thing as letting pedophiles marry a 7 year old. That is the point that made me want to throw up. If you seriously believe that adult homosexuality is the same as molesting a child then you have some serious issues to resolve.

Normal homosexuals do not think of children in a sexual way any more than heterosexuals do. Pedophile men who happen to have the preference of young boys are not the same thing as a normal homosexual man. You say you perfer women. So am I to assume you also find 7 year old little girls sexually attractive? It would be the same thing. That is what is soooo sick about your argument on this subject.
Originally posted by Bill Gray:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by tcf531:

Yes, child predators do molest both boys and girls. But, you have to admit that the large percentage of priests who molested children -- molested boys. This, besides being child molestation -- is also homosexual in nature. That is the point I was making.

graybill) You just can't get enough catholic can you? They're not the only ones.

Welcome to a collection of news reports on ministers who have sexually abused children:

ALL Protestant denominations - 838 Ministers

147 Baptist Ministers

251 "Bible" Church Ministers (fundamentalist/evangelical)

140 Anglican/Episcopalian Ministers

38 Lutheran Ministers

46 Methodist Ministers

19 Presbyterian Ministers

197 various Church Ministers

*** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is available here without profit to people who want to read it for research and educational purposes. If you quote from this, please check (if possible) and acknowledge the ORIGINAL source. *** This service is provided by volunteers for non-profit.


What percentage of Roman Catholic priests abuse young people?
Nobody really knows.

Nobody even knows how many adults in general sexually abuse youth and adults. A figure of 2% is often mentioned. However this is really just a guess.

Columnist Ann Coulter claimed, without citing references, that there are only 55 "exposed abusers" in a population of 45,000 priests. This is an abuse rate of 0.12%.

Comparison of abuse in the Catholic Church and U.S. public schools:
A U.S. Department of Education report issued in 2004 examined a number of American studies into the prevalence of sexual misconduct by school staff. They found that between 3.5% and 50.3% of students are targets of educator sexual misconduct sometime during their school career. They found that teachers, coaches, substitute teachers were the most common offenders.

If this report is accurate, then sexual abuse by priests in the Roman Catholic church, and by other clergy, appears to pale in comparison with the abuse being
Originally posted by b50m:
This is what belief in a god can do to some people. Warp their minds and cloud their judgment. Sick sick sick!

Jank, PLEASE do not equate Bill with normal people who have a religious belief.

We don't claim him.

b50, you are all a part of the problem of inability of being able to discern reality. sorry, but in my eyes, you are a part of the same regime of hate an intolerance wheather or not you actively participate in the atrocities.
Hi Unobtanium:
Does that mean I should put you in the same group as Stalin and these responsible for the atrocities in Cambodia? If that's how you view religionists, I would only hope that that's how you also view yourself and other non-religionists.
Saying what you did to b50m equates yourself with the billgrays of the religionists… a fundamentalist fanatic.
Originally posted by Unobtanium:
b50, you are all a part of the problem of inability of being able to discern reality. sorry, but in my eyes, you are a part of the same regime of hate an intolerance wheather or not you actively participate in the atrocities.


While I agree that it is the moderate believers that "allow" the extreme ones to persist, I have a difficult time with this sort of reasoning. I think we should be, and are moving toward humanity becoming rational and leaving the old myths behind. There are plenty of good believers who aren't fanatics, who are (in my opinion) just honestly wrong. People like Bill really are the problem.
Originally posted by Kraven:
Originally posted by Bill Gray:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by tcf531:

Yes, child predators do molest both boys and girls. But, you have to admit that the large percentage of priests who molested children -- molested boys. This, besides being child molestation -- is also homosexual in nature. That is the point I was making.

graybill) You just can't get enough catholic can you? They're not the only ones.

Welcome to a collection of news reports on ministers who have sexually abused children:

ALL Protestant denominations - 838 Ministers

147 Baptist Ministers

251 "Bible" Church Ministers (fundamentalist/evangelical)

140 Anglican/Episcopalian Ministers

38 Lutheran Ministers

46 Methodist Ministers

19 Presbyterian Ministers

197 various Church Ministers

*** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is available here without profit to people who want to read it for research and educational purposes. If you quote from this, please check (if possible) and acknowledge the ORIGINAL source. *** This service is provided by volunteers for non-profit.


What percentage of Roman Catholic priests abuse young people?
Nobody really knows.

Nobody even knows how many adults in general sexually abuse youth and adults. A figure of 2% is often mentioned. However this is really just a guess.

Columnist Ann Coulter claimed, without citing references, that there are only 55 "exposed abusers" in a population of 45,000 priests. This is an abuse rate of 0.12%.

Comparison of abuse in the Catholic Church and U.S. public schools:
A U.S. Department of Education report issued in 2004 examined a number of American studies into the prevalence of sexual misconduct by school staff. They found that between 3.5% and 50.3% of students are targets of educator sexual misconduct sometime during their school career. They found that teachers, coaches, substitute teachers were the most common offenders.

If this report is accurate, then sexual abuse by priests in the Roman Catholic church, and by other clergy, appears to pale in comparison with the abuse being


You know the grysnake will hisss at this.
Originally posted by b50m:
We don't claim him.

b50, you are all a part of the problem of inability of being able to discern reality. sorry, but in my eyes, you are a part of the same regime of hate an intolerance wheather or not you actively participate in the atrocities.

So you go back to the old stand-by of religious people being crazy. Are you going to add the "I believe in one less god than you", or the classic 'science and religion don't mix'?

So when somebody shoots up a post office, business office, or a church and he has no 'religious' identifier, then he must be atheist, right?

So all the stories of people committing crimes who don't have a religion specified are all those crazy atheists killing people. Good. Glad you and I cleared that up.
great answer jank, but i have to add one thing. if a priest is a pedophile he has a large selection of boys and almost no girls to molest. the altar boys are there to learn and think of him as a mentor. the priest, being a psdophile, takes advantage of the youth he has access to. if their was a plentitude of altar girls there would be just as many priest- girl rapes as there are priest - boy rape. its not homosexual or heterosexual, its just plain sick pedophilia.
Originally posted by Unobtanium:
Originally posted by b50m:
This is what belief in a god can do to some people. Warp their minds and cloud their judgment. Sick sick sick!

Jank, PLEASE do not equate Bill with normal people who have a religious belief.

We don't claim him.

b50, you are all a part of the problem of inability of being able to discern reality. sorry, but in my eyes, you are a part of the same regime of hate an intolerance wheather or not you actively participate in the atrocities.

unobtainium, there are many religious people who are good people. they dont fall for all the hype that people like bill gray or the westboro baptist spew. i agree that they are disillusioned, but they have the right to honor any creator they see fit.
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great answer jank, but i have to add one thing. if a priest is a pedophile he has a large selection of boys and almost no girls to molest. the altar boys are there to learn and think of him as a mentor. the priest, being a psdophile, takes advantage of the youth he has access to. if their was a plentitude of altar girls there would be just as many priest- girl rapes as there are priest - boy rape. its not homosexual or heterosexual, its just plain sick pedophilia.

Just to clarify, girls are also altar servers.
In fact, in our local parishes, there are more girls than boys that serve.
Originally posted by b50m:
VP, Just ignore Bill's comments on the Catholic Church. He's just mad because his was made up only a few hundred years ago, depending on what you want to call the start, and yours began with Christ. Envy, one of those seven deadly sins.

Hi B,

Then, we should both envy you! For your New Age and Wiccan religions date back to Nimrod, Noah's grandson, at the Tower of Babel. Your religions are REALLY old!

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



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Originally posted by alwilliams767:
Hi Unobtanium:
Does that mean I should put you in the same group as Stalin and these responsible for the atrocities in Cambodia? .

if i were a supporter of Stalin's state religion of communism them, yes, you certainty should. but i am not. communism was "anti-religious" only in the sense that it forcibly suppressed all religions other than itself. yes, stalin was an atheist but you may as well say he had dark hair, too.

sorry but anyone who pretends to hear and obey the voices of invisible men living in the clouds are subject to all sorts of silly notions and cannot be trusted to certain degrees.

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