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Originally posted by Hybrid:
There are plenty of good believers who aren't fanatics, who are (in my opinion) just honestly wrong. People like Bill really are the problem.

yes, there are many good people who are believers. but at a foundational level, they are willing participants in the movement to enslave minds of children. the "good person"who teaches sunday school to small kids and volunteers at the hospital is part of the machine introduces even the smallest children to Satan and brainwashes them into rejecting reality, and dismissing moral philosophy. yes, even the most gentle believers are guilty on some level of actively participating in the effort. billgray is simply an extreme symptom of the underlying cancer of religion.
In case you missed it, UNOB.

So you go back to the old stand-by of religious people being crazy. Are you going to add the "I believe in one less god than you", or the classic 'science and religion don't mix'?

So when somebody shoots up a post office, business office, or a church and he has no 'religious' identifier, then he must be atheist, right?

So all the stories of people committing crimes who don't have a religion specified are all those crazy atheists killing people. Good. Glad you and I cleared that up.
I read here more than I post, and I have to ask unobtanium what is the difference in his vote to put a polotician into office that has a strong religious view and the members of the church he/she attends? I think that by electing leaders for our country that promote religion is much more damaging to our society than the Sunday school teacher leading the kids in a round of "Jesus loves me"

This thread was started about gay rights and after reading the views of some on here I am surprised to then read in another thread that you would vote to put into office those which support billy boys stand on this issue among many others. I would call that being hypocritical and not putting your vote where your mouth is.

I never use the religious standing of any candidate to sway my vote for or against. Personal views SHOULD NOT come into the equation.

I am not voting for a nanny state. The dems may not push religion, but they think everybody is too stupid to handle their own matters and try to instill a false equality.

Obama has said many times, the public is too stupid to understand his policies. What he doesn't get, is conservatives understand them very well and don't want them.
Originally posted by b50m:
In case you missed it, UNOB.

So you go back to the old stand-by of religious people being crazy. Are you going to add the "I believe in one less god than you", or the classic 'science and religion don't mix'?

well, both of those are true statements so i guess it is a start. as for your other comments it is exceedingly rare that someone commits evil IN THEN NAME OF atheism. atheism is simply not a good framework upon which to build a evil regime. by definition, is is a LACK of belief. so therefore people certainly do evil in the name of their god such as brainswashing children in every single church in this area so reject the obvious, the churches preach that delusion is healthy. that false is better that true. that eternal punishment awaits those who disagree. EVIL, i tell you!

so, sorry, but you can't blame a LACK of belief in X as a cause of any sort of evil. that just doesn't make sense.

now, all that said, in the macro sense, i live, eat breath and party in a world where better than 90% of everyone I meet are believers in this invisible man. i love a great many of them and would trust many of them with my life. so this whole belief thing is not a litmus test for friendships. i'd love to share a cold one with you some day, for example. but when even my best friend speaks of his belief, i am thinking "gosh, that's such a disappointment" underneath the cheerful veneer.
I read here more than I post, and I have to ask unobtanium what is the difference in his vote to put a polotician into office that has a strong religious view and the members of the church he/she attends? I think that by electing leaders for our country that promote religion is much more damaging to our society than the Sunday school teacher leading the kids in a round of "Jesus loves me"


i think you must be confusing me wht someone else. while i used the evil of brainwashing kids as an example, i would certainly try very ahrd not to elect a politician who claims he p[rays for wisdom, either.

i am busily crossing off the politicians who invoke god in their campaign ads. i don't have many left, sadly.
Originally posted by Unobtanium:
yes, there are many good people who are believers. but at a foundational level, they are willing participants in the movement to enslave minds of children. the "good person"who teaches sunday school to small kids and volunteers at the hospital is part of the machine introduces even the smallest children to Satan and brainwashes them into rejecting reality, and dismissing moral philosophy. yes, even the most gentle believers are guilty on some level of actively participating in the effort. billgray is simply an extreme symptom of the underlying cancer of religion.

True, can't be argued with. The question is how to address it.
Originally posted by b50m:
I never use the religious standing of any candidate to sway my vote for or against. Personal views SHOULD NOT come into the equation.

Let's take the case of Mitt Romney. Assuming he's a good practicing Mormon, he believes that there's a man current speaking with and for God. Would it make you comfortable voting for a man who believes that the leader of his particular cult has a red-line to the allmighty himself? What would Mitt do if 'God' told him to do more battle against those evil nasty gays, or worse yet some other nation in order to bring on the glory of the end times?

If things like that don't scare you, I don't think you've thought it through.

Obama has said many times, the public is too stupid to understand his policies.

When and where?
He is like Bill, we need it "EXPLAINED" to us.

SEATTLE - President Barack Obama staunchly defended his health care and stimulus initiatives Thursday but acknowledged he may not have taken enough time to explain the policies to the public.

Campaigning in Seattle, he said: "We had to move so fast, (30 speeches on it) we were in such emergency mode (18 months), that it was very difficult for us to spend time a lot doing victory laps (some victory, passed by a few votes) and advertising (non-stop ads paid for by you and me) exactly what we were doing because we had to move onto the next thing (failed cap and trade)."
Let's take the case of Mitt Romney. Assuming he's a good practicing Mormon, he believes that there's a man current speaking with and for God. Would it make you comfortable voting for a man who believes that the leader of his particular cult has a red-line to the allmighty himself? What would Mitt do if 'God' told him to do more battle against those evil nasty gays, or worse yet some other nation in order to bring on the glory of the end times?

If Mitt was the Pres and said God or Jehovah or Zeus told him to kill the gays, he would be impeached, as he should be. As I said, personal views should not get in the way. Just like the Supreme court, it made me nervous for Sotomayor to claim her experience as a Latino made her better able to understand the 'intent' of the law and to legislate from the bench.

WRONG. Follow the dang Constitution.
Originally posted by b50m:
He is like Bill, we need it "EXPLAINED" to us.

SEATTLE - President Barack Obama staunchly defended his health care and stimulus initiatives Thursday but acknowledged he may not have taken enough time to explain the policies to the public.

Campaigning in Seattle, he said: "We had to move so fast, (30 speeches on it) we were in such emergency mode (18 months), that it was very difficult for us to spend time a lot doing victory laps (some victory, passed by a few votes) and advertising (non-stop ads paid for by you and me) exactly what we were doing because we had to move onto the next thing (failed cap and trade)."

Hmmmm seems like Bill you also like to interpret and twist things too.

I don't read anywhere that he says we are stupid.

Where are the other many times this supposedly happened?
Stupid nation

I think that covers it.

Twisting his words? He has repeatedly said that the public hates Obamacare because we don't understand it. That we need to spend 3 trillion dollars because we are in debt. That we should spread the wealth around because the rich are evil and must be forced to give their money to the government.

I see him as an incompetent bumbler with no economic or military background and a walking apology for the US to exist.
Originally posted by b50m:
He is like Bill, we need it "EXPLAINED" to us.

SEATTLE - President Barack Obama staunchly defended his health care and stimulus initiatives Thursday but acknowledged he may not have taken enough time to explain the policies to the public.

Campaigning in Seattle, he said: "We had to move so fast, (30 speeches on it) we were in such emergency mode (18 months), that it was very difficult for us to spend time a lot doing victory laps (some victory, passed by a few votes) and advertising (non-stop ads paid for by you and me) exactly what we were doing because we had to move onto the next thing (failed cap and trade)."



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Originally posted by b50m:
Stupid nation

I think that covers it.

Twisting his words? He has repeatedly said that the public hates Obamacare because we don't understand it. That we need to spend 3 trillion dollars because we are in debt. That we should spread the wealth around because the rich are evil and must be forced to give their money to the government.

I see him as an incompetent bumbler with no economic or military background and a walking apology for the US to exist.



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